Missing Persons

A recent news article informs me that a man kept his deceased wife’s body in a freezer for the past ten years.

The reason was supposedly so that the man could continue to collect his wife’s benefits, which makes a kind of sense.  The man was apparently a retiree, on a limited income, and losing his wife’s benefits would likely cause him hardship.  So when she died he stuck her in the freezer and kept his mouth shut.

My question is, what on earth happened to this woman’s friends or family?  How is it possible for someone to vanish off the face of the earth, without someone missing her?  Evidently she was seriously isolated, or didn’t have anyone who was curious about her whereabouts.  That’s kind of sad, in my opinion.

Update August 1, 2023: I wanted to add a link to the article I had referred to in this post. I searched for “man kept wife in freezer,” expecting to be taken right to that article. Silly me…

These are just a few of the articles I found. Evidently this isn’t rare. Who knew?

Now I’m going to get real nervous if I find out someone I know has a big freezer… especially if they’re the quiet type…

  1. Man who stuffed dead wife in freezer sentenced to 25 years in prison
  2. Michigan man charged with keeping wife’s body in freezer for months
  3. Madhya Pradesh man keeps dead wife’s body in freezer; woman’s brother alleges murder
  4. Young woman’s body found in freezer belonging to West Rogers Park man charged in another murder: CPD
  5. Fla. man Allan Dunn kept wife’s body in freezer for 10 years, officials say
  6. Springfield suspect to 911: ‘I put her in the freezer’
  7. Southern Missouri man sentenced for keeping wife’s body in freezer for 4 years
  8. Hillsborough man kept wife’s body in freezer for 8 years to collect her Social Security
  9. Man sentenced for killing wife, storing body in freezer
  10. Preacher Who Stuffed Wife’s Body In Freezer Gets Life In Jail
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