I am getting annoyed at some YouTube authors who create sensationalist thumbnails telling me that someone – or something – has “broken the Internet” or “Broken Science.” Really?
Continue readingTrump Wins
This was a tough election. I didn’t know who to vote for. Normally I favor the Democrats, with liberal policies, welfare, food stamps, universal health care and living spaces, that sort of thing. But my God, did the Democrats go fucking insane.
Continue readingGood And Evil
I get a little uneasy when the issue of good and evil arises. It is often unclear what is good or evil. There can be many reasons why something that appears evil is actually good, and vice versa. But there are also some actions that are just evil.
Continue readingIslam As The Religion of Peace
I have often heard the claim that Islam is the religion of peace. I was told that when Muslims blew themselves up and killed a bunch of people, these were just extremists; that Islam didn’t support such behavior. In fact, we gave them a special name – Islamists. Not Muslims, Islamists.
Continue readingEscalation
There has been a sudden and marked increase in activity by Israel against Hezbollah. Some people are decrying this “escalation.” I think they’re naive and mistaken at best; They may just be lying.
Continue readingThe Internet
The Internet has become humanity’s most widespread source of information. Almost anyone can get access to the Internet, get information about almost any subject. I can find thousands of sources of information. Some of these are of poor quality – the information is incomplete, biased, or even false. However, with care it is possible to avoid most of this junk.

Pager Explosions
Today (9/17/24), a few thousand pagers exploded more or less simultaneously in Lebanon. The pagers were used by members of Hezbollah. Pagers are more secure than mobile phones, which is why these members were using them.
Continue readingThe Fermi Paradox
The Fermi paradox is the observation that, although there are billions upon billions of stars, we have not discovered any evidence of intelligent life. The question is, “Why not?”

Do Constants Change?
In physics there are many values that are called “constants.” These include the speed of light in a vacuum, the gravitational constant, the fine-structure constant, and many others. These values have often been measured quite precisely; many are well-known. And yet…
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Train Station Musician
On a morning in January of 2007, the famed violinist Joshua Bell took up a spot in a Metro station in Washington, DC. He played Classical music on his $3.5 million violin. He played for about forty minutes. Few people stopped to listen. A small number dropped some money into his violin case. Most people kept walking.