Author Archives: muser

One Problem With Quantum Theory

Quantum Theory is one of our most successful scientific theories. Its predictions have been verified, often to an extreme level of accuracy. It has helped us to develop technologies that we rely on, that have brought us such wonders as … Continue reading

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Hard-Boiled Eggs

I like eggs. In particular, I like hard-boiled eggs. They’re inexpensive, tasty, wholesome, and relatively easy to cook. The problem I have with them is peeling them. The shell always seems to want to stick to the egg, so when … Continue reading

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Words of Wisdom

It is popular to quote famous people who speak about success, victory, life, whatever. It likely seems that what they have to say should be given great weight, because after all, they were successful. Maybe if we follow their advice, … Continue reading

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Scientific Hubris

I’m not here to claim that science is bogus or vain; or that it should somehow not be conducted. I believe science has given us many good things, and will likely continue to do so, assuming we don’t annihilate ourselves … Continue reading

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According to, scambaiting is “…the practice of pretending to fall for fraudulent online schemes in order to waste the time of the perpetrators.” Basically, a scambaiter acts as though they were naive, gullible, even stupid, in order to get … Continue reading

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Gender Identity

What I am going to say here will be highly unpopular with some people. They will accuse me of bigotry or worse. They are mistaken.

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I have long been puzzled by people who say that they’re “manifesting” things – a great job or career, wealth, health, romances, whatever. They seem to be claiming that they can bring these goals into their lives by thinking. One … Continue reading

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I Am X Years Young

Occasionally I see someone who claims to be 50 or 60 or 70 year young. This strikes me as being kinda dumb.

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The Butterfly Effect

The butterfly effect is the observation that extremely minute changes in the initial state of a deterministic system can produce wildly different results. Before this observation was noted, it was reasonably assumed that a minute change would have only a … Continue reading

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Supporting Hamas

I am greatly puzzled and disturbed by the support for Hamas that I’ve seen throughout the world. There have been crowds of pro-Palestine people chanting “Death to the Jews.” There has been vandalism of synagogues and Jewish businesses, attacks against … Continue reading

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