Iran Warns That It Will Target Civilians

Iran has publicly announced that, through its proxy Hezbollah, it will target Israeli civilians when it launches its retaliatory attacks. To which I say, “no shit.”

What they should really be saying is that they will continue to target Israeli civilians. The reason Israel killed some of their military leaders was in response to Hezbollah murdering twelve children – all civilians. It is no surprise that Iran is targeting civilians. The only surprise to me is that they’re admitting what has been blatantly obvious to anyone who looks. They’ve been doing this for years.

Nothing much has changed. Iran has been using proxies to attack Israeli civilians for many years; the murdering escalated on October 7th, 2023, but it’s been going on for decades. Iran has professed its determination to kill all Israelis and Jews, and to take down Western civilization.

I am disappointed by the response in the West. Mostly it’s been to ignore Iran’s rhetoric. Indeed, there is little chance that Iran could take down Western civilization by itself. Still, that is one of its goals, and the West would do well to take steps to counter it.

One place to start would be to ban terrorism and terroristic rhetoric, including that found in mosques. Mosques that harbor extremist groups should be banned and destroyed.

I know that what I say is often labeled as “Islamophobia.” It’s not – unless the word means “Islamist phobia,” in which case, sure. Islam is fine. Islamism is not. There is a difference, and it should be recognized. Those preaching death to countries, groups, or religions have no place. Free speech does not protect hate speech.

Sadly, a large number of people in the West cannot distinguish between peaceful Islam and the rabid hatred of Islamism. Many believe that terrorists have a right to commit terror, while Israel has no right to defend against terror and to go after the terrorists. The values of these people are warped an twisted beyond recognition..

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