Category Archives: Social Commentary

I Am X Years Young

Occasionally I see someone who claims to be 50 or 60 or 70 year young. This strikes me as being kinda dumb.

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MGTOW is an acronym for Men Going Their Own Way. It is a community of men who have decided not to include women in their lives. The idea is that society has become seriously biased in favor of women and … Continue reading

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Incubi and Succubi

Back in the Middle Ages, people were troubled by demons who would come at night to seduce them. Women were seduced by male-appearing demons called incubi (singular, incubus); men would encounter succubi (singular, succubus).

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Chinese “Weather” Balloon

About a week ago, a large balloon wandered into US airspace.  The balloon was from China; the Chinese government acknowledged ownership, and claimed that it was a weather balloon that had gone off course.

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It’s Offensive

I don’t know when this happened.  It kind of crept up on me over the years.  But now there is a highly vocal group of people who police the Internet and try to destroy those they deem “offensive.”  This is … Continue reading

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Mass School Murders Not Due To Mental Illness

According to a report by Gary Brucato, PhD, and Ragy R. Girgis, MD, mass school murders are not due to mental illness. I am curious to know what they think it means to be “mentally ill.”  Evidently it doesn’t mean … Continue reading

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UFO’s And The Government

The US Government has released some video footage of interactions between military aircraft and something that was not identified.  Evidently the proper term for these things is now UAP – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.  This is probably a necessary change, since … Continue reading

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Some while ago I was a member of a science-oriented online group.  I noticed that many of the people in this group seemed to treat science as a sort of religion, rather than as an intellectual pursuit.  I especially noticed … Continue reading

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Cancel Culture and Richard Stallman

In the fallout from the news about Jeffrey Epstein and his human trafficking, Richard Stallman made some comments that were deemed offensive.  Because of this there was a clamor for his hide; he was evidently compelled to resign from his … Continue reading

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Victims Of Their Own Success

These days, many people adamantly refuse to take a vaccine, claiming that the vaccine can do more harm than the illness it is meant to combat.  It is true that there is a risk of adverse reactions to vaccines, as … Continue reading

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