Category Archives: Social Commentary

Words of Wisdom

It is popular to quote famous people who speak about success, victory, life, whatever. It likely seems that what they have to say should be given great weight, because after all, they were successful. Maybe if we follow their advice, … Continue reading

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Scientific Hubris

I’m not here to claim that science is bogus or vain; or that it should somehow not be conducted. I believe science has given us many good things, and will likely continue to do so, assuming we don’t annihilate ourselves … Continue reading

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According to, scambaiting is “…the practice of pretending to fall for fraudulent online schemes in order to waste the time of the perpetrators.” Basically, a scambaiter acts as though they were naive, gullible, even stupid, in order to get … Continue reading

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Gender Identity

What I am going to say here will be highly unpopular with some people. They will accuse me of bigotry or worse. They are mistaken.

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I have long been puzzled by people who say that they’re “manifesting” things – a great job or career, wealth, health, romances, whatever. They seem to be claiming that they can bring these goals into their lives by thinking. One … Continue reading

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I Am X Years Young

Occasionally I see someone who claims to be 50 or 60 or 70 year young. This strikes me as being kinda dumb.

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Shanidar 1

I’ve often wondered what it is that makes us human. There have been many attempts to answer this question. We make tools. We walk upright. We developed speech. As we’ve learned more about the world, these answers have proved to … Continue reading

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MGTOW is an acronym for Men Going Their Own Way. It is a community of men who have decided not to include women in their lives. The idea is that society has become seriously biased in favor of women and … Continue reading

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Incubi and Succubi

Back in the Middle Ages, people were troubled by demons who would come at night to seduce them. Women were seduced by male-appearing demons called incubi (singular, incubus); men would encounter succubi (singular, succubus).

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Chinese “Weather” Balloon

About a week ago, a large balloon wandered into US airspace.  The balloon was from China; the Chinese government acknowledged ownership, and claimed that it was a weather balloon that had gone off course.

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