Category Archives: Social Commentary
A Big Fucking Deal
The media are all atwitter over a comment made by our Vice President. According to one source, Biden told Obama that the Health Care Reform Act was a “Big [Expletive] Deal”. Another source reported that Biden “dropped the F-bomb”. Using … Continue reading
In Hot Water
James A. Ray, whose catastrophic sweat lodge ritual killed three people on October 8 of last year, has been indicted for manslaughter. This might actually be a good thing.
Unclear On The Concept
Scott Roeder is on trial for the murder of George Tiller, M.D. Dr. Tiller was an abortion provider. Mr. Roeder claims to be a Christian. He has no regrets at having murdered Dr. Tiller, since the doctor was killing unborn … Continue reading
Paying Off The Taliban published an article that discusses how NATO is going to pay the Taliban millions of dollars for some reason. The logic behind this move has so far eluded my feeble grasp. Call me crazy, but I thought that when … Continue reading
Into The Wild Blue Yonder
On January 14th, a bag of cocaine was found in the hangar where the Space Shuttle lives. As might be expected, this has caused some consternation among NASA officials, as well as the hysterical public.
According to published reports, a Japanese whaling vessel collided with a speedboat owned by the environmental group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS). The speedboat, named the Ady Gil, sustained “catastrophic” damage and may be a total loss. The head of … Continue reading
Steps To Prevent Foreclosure
The Obama administration is seeking to find ways to prevent foreclosures among homeowners who have lost their jobs. The feeling is that these homeowners are unable to pay their mortgages through no fault of their own, so should not be … Continue reading →