The Trouble With Kids These Days

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

Attributed to Socrates
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Mayan Calendar

A lot of people are concerned that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012 (give or take). They reason that the Mayan calendar ends on that day – or perhaps the day before. Once the calendar ends, that’s all she wrote. The world comes crashing down around our heads.

This is fucking stupid.

Image of the Mayan Calendar

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Put The Commas In

Journalists, when you’re writing largish numbers (that would be numbers with more than four digits), would you *PUHLEEZ* put the fucking commas in? I can’t tell the difference between 300000 and 3000000 or even 30000000. Come on, how hard would it be to put in a comma every three digits?

Didn’t your teachers ever tell you about that stuff?

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Steps To Prevent Foreclosure

The Obama administration is seeking to find ways to prevent foreclosures among homeowners who have lost their jobs.  The feeling is that these homeowners are unable to pay their mortgages through no fault of their own, so should not be penalized by losing their homes.  A noble, compassionate sentiment, to be sure.

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A Big Fucking Deal

The media are all atwitter over a comment made by our Vice President. According to one source, Biden told Obama that the Health Care Reform Act was a “Big [Expletive] Deal”. Another source reported that Biden “dropped the F-bomb”. Using my superior powers of analysis and deduction, I conclude that Mr. Biden said, “This is a big fucking deal”.

To which I say, “big fucking deal”. People swear. Even vice presidents swear. Hell, our President probably swears while he’s out behind the White House sneaking a smoke.

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In Hot Water

James A. Ray, whose catastrophic sweat lodge ritual killed three people on October 8 of last year, has been indicted for manslaughter.  This might actually be a good thing.

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Lancet Backtracks

In 1998, Andrew Wakefield, MD, published an article in the prestigious British medical journal Lancet, allegedly claiming there was a connection between the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine for children, and the occurrence of autism.  Twelve years later, Lancet has retracted this article.

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Groundhog Day

Yet again we consult the mystical rodent known only as Punxsutawney Phil, a rodent who has apparently lived for over 100 years.  He, and only he, can tell us whether winter will continue for another six weeks.

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The Number Zero

The number zero is an annoying and dangerous beast. It should be abolished.

Copyright Married to the Sea. Reproduced here by permission.

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Unclear On The Concept

Scott Roeder is on trial for the murder of George Tiller, M.D.  Dr. Tiller was an abortion provider.  Mr. Roeder claims to be a Christian.  He has no regrets at having murdered Dr. Tiller, since the doctor was killing unborn children.  Roeder felt he had to take action to save the lives of other unborn children.

According to Mr. Roeder, abortion is wrong.  He feels that in the event of the mother’s life being seriously threatened by the fetus, an abortion might possibly be justified.  Otherwise, not.  Even in the cases of incest or rape, abortion would not be justified.  As Mr. Roeder said (as quoted by CNN), “It isn’t our duty to take life, it’s our heavenly father’s.”

Mr. Roeder felt so strongly about this – that it’s wrong to take a life – that he put a gun to Dr. Tiller’s head and blew his brains out in a church.

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