Category Archives: Big Question

One Problem With Quantum Theory

Quantum Theory is one of our most successful scientific theories. Its predictions have been verified, often to an extreme level of accuracy. It has helped us to develop technologies that we rely on, that have brought us such wonders as … Continue reading

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Humanity of the Neanderthals

I’ve often wondered what it is that makes us human. There have been many attempts to answer this question. We make tools. We walk upright. We developed speech. As we’ve learned more about the world, these answers have proved to … Continue reading

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Today is the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a night of antisemitic violence in Nazi Germany where mobs destroyed Jewish businesses, burned synagogues, beat and murdered Jews. Kristallnacht means crystal night, from the large amount of broken glass in the streets … Continue reading

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MGTOW is an acronym for Men Going Their Own Way. It is a community of men who have decided not to include women in their lives. The idea is that society has become seriously biased in favor of women and … Continue reading

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