Category Archives: Rants

The Grammar Nazis

I often encounter people who make a big deal about spelling and grammar.  They insist that these issues are important, that a person who doesn’t use “correct” grammar and spelling is ignorant, or at least beneath notice.  I disagree with … Continue reading

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Hate Crimes

In New York someone attacked a cab driver, allegedly because the driver was a Muslim.  There is a question of whether this is a hate crime.

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The Trouble With Kids These Days

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders … Continue reading

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Mayan Calendar

A lot of people are concerned that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012 (give or take). They reason that the Mayan calendar ends on that day – or perhaps the day before. Once the calendar ends, … Continue reading

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Put The Commas In

Journalists, when you’re writing largish numbers (that would be numbers with more than four digits), would you *PUHLEEZ* put the fucking commas in? I can’t tell the difference between 300000 and 3000000 or even 30000000. Come on, how hard would … Continue reading

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A Big Fucking Deal

The media are all atwitter over a comment made by our Vice President. According to one source, Biden told Obama that the Health Care Reform Act was a “Big [Expletive] Deal”. Another source reported that Biden “dropped the F-bomb”. Using … Continue reading

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Groundhog Day

Yet again we consult the mystical rodent known only as Punxsutawney Phil, a rodent who has apparently lived for over 100 years.  He, and only he, can tell us whether winter will continue for another six weeks.

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The Number Zero

The number zero is an annoying and dangerous beast. It should be abolished. Copyright Married to the Sea. Reproduced here by permission.

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Paying Off The Taliban published an article that discusses how NATO is going to pay the Taliban millions of dollars for some reason.  The logic behind this move has so far eluded my feeble grasp.  Call me crazy, but I thought that when … Continue reading

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Ignorance And Arrogance

Today Haiti had a serious earthquake that has taken the lives of thousands of people.  Some estimates go as high as 100,000 lives lost.  Whatever the final toll, Haiti is in a world of hurt right now, people suffering and … Continue reading

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