I wonder why people say “thanks in advance.” I get that they’re trying to be polite, and to thank someone who has not yet been able to help them or do something for them. Any time I see courtesy on the Internet, I consider it a good thing. Still…
Continue readingReasons And Excuses
I’ve often felt annoyed, even angry at people who offer bullshit reasons for not wearing a mask. They cut down your oxygen. They harbor germs. They show that you’re living in fear. They show that you’re afraid to use your God-given right to be a dick. And so on.
Continue readingMasks
One of the ways to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus is to wear a mask over the nose and mouth. For some reason, this has resulted in many people losing their shit and in many cases becoming violent. I don’t get it.
Continue readingSettled Science
Occasionally I will hear that some issue is “settled science.” Often it’s in the context of some controversial topic such as climate change. The consensus among climate scientists is that climate change is real and man-made. They tend to dismiss skeptics as mistaken or ignorant. Sometimes, someone will say that this is “settled science.”
Continue readingGenerational Hostility
There are a lot of snide comments about people who, because of their age, don’t know things, or can’t do things. Older people natter on about “kids these days,” while younger people often dismiss elders as being technologically clueless. It’s all bullshit, and it’s just mean-spirited.
Continue readingDisagreement Is Not Bigotry
Some years ago, a woman asked me whether I was in favor of gay marriage. I said that I was not. This led to her becoming angry with me over my obvious homophobia and bigotry. Clearly I gave the wrong answer.
Continue readingGrey Goo
There is a new and highly speculative concept of nanotechnology, the creation of functioning machines that are extremely small, possibly even microscopic. At the moment we are not able to make such machines, but some scientists consider it to be a possibility.
Continue readingTools and Rules
These are some basic principles I use to help sort through the various topics and suggested explanations. Using them can simplify discussions.
Continue readingThe Revenge of Schrödinger’s Cat
Quantum theory has produced an assortment of results that fly in the face of common sense. Particles that can be waves, particles that can be in two places at once – or nowhere at all – our being unable to know where something is and also where it’s going… even quantum theorists don’t understand these ideas except mathematically – if even then.
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Angels And Aliens
There exist some phenomena that we find difficult to explain with our current level of technology. How was the Great Pyramid built, using the technology available to the ancient Egyptians? In order to build this Pyramid, they would have had to set a block of stone, weighing tons, every two and a half minutes. How could they have cut and moved such immense blocks? We couldn’t do that even today. Similarly, how could humans have built Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, and the other megalithic structures?
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