Category Archives: Social Commentary

Cancel Culture and Richard Stallman

In the fallout from the news about Jeffrey Epstein and his human trafficking, Richard Stallman made some comments that were deemed offensive.  Because of this there was a clamor for his hide; he was evidently compelled to resign from his … Continue reading

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Victims Of Their Own Success

These days, many people adamantly refuse to take a vaccine, claiming that the vaccine can do more harm than the illness it is meant to combat.  It is true that there is a risk of adverse reactions to vaccines, as … Continue reading

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The Sky Is Blue

OK, Captain Obvious here, trying to make a point. Some people who profess an interest in science make claims such as, “The sky isn’t really blue,” and then go on to explain how the sky really isn’t blue.  They’ll refer … Continue reading

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Conquering Mountains

When someone climbs to the top of a mountain, he is often said to have “conquered” the mountain.  What bullshit. If an ant climbs to the top of a building, has he “conqured” it?

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Boiled Frogs

There is some sort of motivational concept which says that if you put a frog into cold water and slowly heat it up, he won’t notice it, and eventually he will be boiled.  If you throw the frog into boiling … Continue reading

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There are some websites and documentaries that are concerned with the disappearances of people in national parks.  The gist of this seems to be that an unusually high number of people vanish mysteriously, never to be seen again.  Sometimes later … Continue reading

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The Rise Of The Machines

Sometimes people worry that one day, artificial intelligence will get out of control, and intelligent machines will massacre us.  Maybe there will be an uprising of some sort.  Maybe they’ll just stop working for us and let us die out.

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The Madness of Crowds

Tens of millions of people in the US believe in bullshit.  Somehow, these people believe that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, that there was a massive conspiracy to steal the election from Trump, and that Trump will soon be … Continue reading

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Angels And Aliens

There exist some phenomena that we find difficult to explain with our current level of technology.  How was the Great Pyramid built, using the technology available to the ancient Egyptians?  In order to build this Pyramid, they would have had … Continue reading

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Thanks In Advance

I wonder why people say “thanks in advance.”  I get that they’re trying to be polite, and to thank someone who has not yet been able to help them or do something for them.  Any time I see courtesy on … Continue reading

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